January 01, 2000

Joe Lozito

Big Picture Big Sound
Joe at Rotten Tomatoes

New York, NY

A member of the exclusive Online Film Critics Society, Big Picture Big Sound co-founder Joe Lozito has been a fan and critic of movies since a very early age. At the age of 10, he was keeping his movie ticket stubs in a photo album with what would later be called "capsule reviews" written underneath. Why he was seeing so many movies at that age is better left to the therapist's couch.

At around the same age he was also making his first appearances in front of the camera in mini-home movies made with the help of his Dad's video camera. His favorite is probably his own take on the "Greatest American Hero" TV series, complete with a homemade suit, stunt dummy and stop-motion special effects. This mini-Spielberg also received rave reviews for two "Joey Larson" shows (Johnny Carson spoofs featuring members of his family as guests). While those tapes are rare, they do still exist. But don't bother asking to see them. You will never.

As Joe became more of an authority (in his own mind anyway) on film, he made the transition to online movie review publishing in 1998 in the form of joelozito.com. In 2005, that archive of material put the "Big Picture" in Big Picture Big Sound. Joe is also a frequent contributor to YesButNoButYes. Most recently (2007), Joe was inducted into the prestigious Online Film Critics Society in recognition of the quality (and quantity!) of insightful film reviews and editorials Joe has written over the years.

Joe has also dabbled in music and acting in New York City and has, like most critics, a screenplay or two in his back pocket. When he's not staring at a screen in a darkened room, Joe enjoys playing guitar, karate, golf and scuba diving. However, he mostly watches movies. Mostly.

The Godfather (1972), Casablanca (1942), It's a Wonderful Life (1946), Star Wars (1977,) Jaws (1975)